Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program provides pleasurable food education for children from Grades 3-6. Children develop lifelong skills in the kitchen and garden and enjoy all the benefits of growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing.
Whitehorse Primary School is proud to be one of the first schools to engage children in this amazing program, with ours being the second longest running Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program in Australia.
Our students develop:
> an enjoyment of flavour and texture
> an understanding of cultural and culinary difference and
> an understanding of relationship between growing produce, caring for the environment and a healthier lifestyle
Each child spends a single session each week in the garden and a double session in the kitchen. The School Kitchen Specialist and the Horticulturalist are assisted in each class by the classroom teacher and by some fantastic volunteers who make this innovative program operate at its best.
Whitehorse staff and volunteers teach the children in a pleasurable way about growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing food. We are able to create a significant force for change in educating children about good nutrition.
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation is a non-profit organisation which provided initial financial support for the establishment of this highly successful project at Whitehorse.