
Identity - Pride - Belonging


At Whitehorse Primary School we are very proud of our stylish navy, red and white uniform.  The uniform was developed after extensive consultation with the school community and offers students a variety of practical, yet smart options to choose from. It is expected that all students wear uniform during school hours, while travelling to and from school and when on school excursions.

How to Purchase the School Uniform
2022 - 2023 Uniform Price List and Guide


Uniform Supplies

Our uniform supplier is Spartan School World in Bayswater North.



1/210 – 214 Canterbury Road



Trading Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

1st Saturday each month 9:00am – 12:00pm

If you prefer to shop online your purchase can be delivered (free) to the School. Payment online is by Paypal or credit card. 

Please note swimming caps and Grade 6 rugby tops are ordered separately through the school.



Phone: 9070 8284

Email: onlineorders@spartanss.com.au

Second hand uniform

The school has a second uniform shop comprising pieces in good used condition. The shop is open weekly - please check with the office for times. Donations are gratefully accepted.