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Notes explaining reasons for absences must be provided and can be written in home books or emailed to the school.
All children require an art smock for art/craft activities to protect their school uniform. Please don’t forget to name the art smock.
Whole school assemblies are on Friday afternoons at 3.00pm in the gym. In the last week of term assemblies are held half an hour prior to the end of school. You are most welcome to attend our assemblies to share in news, celebrate our “Students of the week” and enjoy the occasional class performance or piano recital from the children.
It is essential that completed Asthma, Allergy and Anaphylactic Management Plans are provided to the school and updated each year. The necessary medications and instructions must also be provided.
Playground supervision commences at 8:45am each day and we ask that children not be left in the school ground before this time. Instruction commences at 9:00am and all children who arrive after this time must be signed in at the office via the iPads at the front counter. You will be given a pass which is to be given to the classroom teacher. Parents who are picking children up early must sign out at the office and take an “Early leaver’s pass” to the class teacher prior to collecting their child.
Expensive toys and games should not be brought to school. We cannot take responsibility for the loss or damage to precious items.
For our school to meet the needs of all children and to inform parents, effective and efficient two-way communication must operate. Forms of communication at Whitehorse are:
9.00am |
Bell goes for children to line up ready to go into school |
9:00am – 11.00am |
Learning session |
11.00am – 11.30am |
Morning play/recess |
11.30am – 01.00pm |
Learning session |
1.00pm – 1.10pm |
Supervised eating time |
1.10pm – 2.00pm |
Lunch play/recess |
2.00pm – 03.30pm |
Learning session |
03.30pm |
Dismissal |
Term 1 to Term 3 the children are dismissed at 2.30pm. At the end of Term 4 the children will be dismissed at 1.30. (Outside School Hours Care is available)
Excursions occur on a regular basis throughout the year. Please make sure you sign and return permission notes as soon as possible.
You can inform the school/teacher of the reason for your child’s absence from school via email or phone call. Please ensure that your child is not contagious when coming to school.
A family owned and managed device which is brought to school each day fully charged, kept in a locked cupboard and taken out as needed. The iPad is used as a tool to create, publish, practice and visualise but not teach. Parents will be requested to download specific Apps to support and reinforce student learning and are offered classes from novice to expert, to develop skills such as personal banking and how to use the built in parent controls to maximise student online safety.
Please ensure everything your child has at school is clearly labeled with their name – jumpers, jackets, hats, lunch boxes, drink bottles, art smocks etc. Check after washing to ensure names has not come off and that your child has brought home their own belongings and not something belonging to another child.
Children who have not been picked up by 3.45pm will be taken to “Out of Hours School Care” (OHSC). There will be fees applicable for this service.
Located in the Resource area outside the staffroom and in the corridor in Pod 3 (Foundation rooms).
Lunches and morning snacks are eaten under supervision of the teacher. Please consider appropriate food for your child to handle, quantities and the nutritional value.
Lunch orders are available Mondays and Fridays. Please follow the links and menus on website homepage.
If medication is necessary for your child, it is a requirement that is it given to the teacher and not kept in school bags. It is then stored appropriately. In order for any medication to be administered, all instructions must be clearly written on the medication sheet provided. Medication not sent in the original containers cannot be administered.
Studies made of children in multi-age classes show that, on an academic level, they are likely to be on par and sometimes slightly above the average. But where they really shine is in what some call the life skills of communication, problem solving, negotiation and self-directed learning.
“Before-school care” operates between 7:30am – 8:45am and “After school care” is available between 3:30pm – 6:00pm. An enrolment form must be completed before a child can attend the program. It is ideal to have your child enrolled in case of an emergency when you are unable to pick them up on time. OSHC is available on Curriculum days.
Please observe all parking regulations outside of school. Students are taught road safety and it is essential that this is reinforced through safe driving behaviours. Please note: the staff car park is for staff only. Only parents dropping off or picking up children from Before/After school care are permitted to use the staff car park.
Please send payments for school fees, excursions, camps etc. in an envelope. Mark envelopes with your child’s name, class, what the money is forand the amount enclosed.
Teachers wearing fluoro yellow vests supervise the school ground during the following times:
Before school |
8.45am-9.00am |
Morning play/recess |
11.00am-11.30am |
Lunch play/recess |
1.10pm-2.00pm |
After school |
3.30pm-3.45pm |
Please ensure that your child is punctual so as to not miss important information or instruction time. Being late can mean being in a rush and can unsettle your child and the class. Punctuality is a very important habit to develop and maintain.
Parents/guardians will receive 2 written reports and be offered two information sessions/interviews each year.
Please ensure all children cross safely at the crossing every day.
The school has established a Student Code of Conduct which incorporates the ‘Leader in Me’ approach. Refer to handout.
A child from each grade is recognized for their efforts and achievements socially and/or academically. They are presented with a ribbon at Monday morning assembly and their certificate is displayed outside the office. This is given to them at a later date.
Broad brimmed hats must be worn outside at all times from September 1st to April 30th. We do, however, encourage children to wear them every day throughout the year. Hats should be worn to and from school. Those children without hats will be restricted to playing in “undercover” areas. Remember “NO HAT, NO PLAY”
We ask parents to apply sunscreen before children come to school each day.
Swimming lessons are held during Term 4. The swimming program is not only valuable for developing student’s water awareness and swimming skills, but helps students to become independent by managing themselves and their belongings.
Children must wear school uniform at all times. We have a small amount of second hand items available to purchase via the office. Please see the Uniform page for further details.
Children are encouraged to bring re-usable drink bottles filled with water only. These are kept within easy access to ensure children are well hydrated.