Whole School Programs


Whitehorse Primary School incorporates the latest education technology throughout the school including SmartBoards, Document Viewers, Vertables and Notebook computers.

In addition, a "Bring  Your Own Device (BYOD) program" has been running since 2012 and allows the 1:1 use of an iPad as an educational device in the classroom.

The iPad is also used to enhance traditional classroom activities such as

  • gather information
  • train handwriting muscle memory
  • present research, plays and science experiments
  • paint a picture
  • tell a story
  • compose music
  • make a movie
  • practice spelling and times tables
  • read a book

We are excited about the way we blend and augment the use of the iPad into our teaching and learning programs.



eSmart Schools is a behaviour-change initiative designed to help schools improve cybersafety and reduce cyberbullying and bullying.

eSmart Schools provides a framework that guides the introduction of policies, practices and whole-school change processes to support the creation of a cybersafe or eSmart environment.

eSmart Schools was developed by RMIT University in consultation with cybersafety, bullying, education and industry experts from across Australia.