Co-curricular Activities


Student Agency

Each term, members of the Junior School Council meet with the JSC Leaders to discuss school-wide topics and events. Suggestions vary between special sport days, celebrations, fundraising opportunities and safety or health issues which students discuss and propose actions.



The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge encourages children to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online. It’s a great way to get young people talking about reading with their friends and pushing themselves to read as many books as they can.



Whitehorse Primary School has partnered up with the Junior Rockers Program to deliver instrumental music lessons to our students. We currently offer lessons for the following musical instruments online at The Online Music Lessons Company:

  • Keyboard
  • Guitar
  • Drums
  • Violin
  • Singing


Whitehorse Primary School is proud to have two flourishing choirs! Bel Canto features students from Grades 1 and 2, and Bella Voce is comprised of students in Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. Both choirs meet once a week to rehearse and are conducted by classically trained voice teacher Emma Ranson, who teaches vocal, breathing and performance technique, music terminology, musicality and note reading skills. Performance opportunities include Grandparents Day, Open Days, Carols Nights, the WPS biannual Twilight Fair and the Whitehorse City Council Spring Festival.


Singing in choirs provides a wonderful sense of community for our students and the chance to work together to create something they can be proud of. Together truly is better! Students love to make song suggestions and are passionate about the music we create together!



Whitehorse Primary School is delighted to offer a range of lunchtime clubs for all students:

  • Art Club
  • Coding with Spheros
  • Slime Mould Club
  • Debating
  • Quiet Club

Students enjoy the option of participating freely in these clubs which run weekly. Staff generously donate their lunchtimes to supervise the running of these club activities.



The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skills-based assessments with a competition element. Commonly referred to as the UNSW tests, ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments and school tests for primary and secondary school students.


We were so excited to have three students awarded medals for the ICAS assessments in 2021. Our medalists are Kai (Year 4 - Writing), Sophie (Year 2 - Spelling Bee), and Aiden (Year 2 - Spelling Bee). This is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate these students!