The Parent Payments policy outlines the ways in which schools can request financial contributions from parents and ensures that parent payment practices in Victorian government schools are consistent, transparent and that all students have access to the Curriculum.
Schools must provide students with free instruction and ensure students have free access to all items, activities and services that are used by the school to fulfil the requirements of the Curriculum.
Schools may request parents make voluntary financial contributions towards the cost of schooling under 2 categories: Curriculum Contributions and Other Contributions.
Schools may invite parents to purchase optional Extra-Curricular Items and Activities on a user-pays basis.
Schools may invite parents to supply or purchase their own educational items for their child to use and to own.
Schools must apply the Financial Help for Families policy when implementing the Parent Payments policy.
Schools must follow the requirements on finance and communications set out in the Parent Payment Policy.
Whitehorse Parent Payments Policy
2024 parent-payments-arrangements Year 5 and 6
2024 parent-payments-arrangements Year 3 and 4
2024 parent-payments-arrangements Year 1 and 2
2024 parent-payments-arrangements Foundation